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- Carpenter's Marking Scribe
Carpenter's Marking Scribe
These carpenter's marking scribes are fun projects to complete when I'm waiting for miters to set or when the scrap pile is starting to get out of control.
Crafted of reclaimed hardwood scraps in the shop, these scribes average in length from 6" to 8" in length. The hardware is 'first use' to ensure stability and lasting function.
Woods I have used in the past include oak, maple, walnut and Malaysian acacia. Some have been colorized with a fixed stain while others are left natural. Either way, each piece is attractive as well as functional.
You are welcome to place a request, but I cannot guarantee what I'll have on hand at any given moment, as these are a popular item for gifts. I will let you know before shipping.
This order is for a single carpenter's marking scribe.